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NASCAR Thunder 2003 - Sony Playstation

Publisher:Electronic Arts  ?              No-Intro:N/A
Developer:Budcat Creations  ?              GoodName:N/A
Year:2002              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Racing              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download (Xbox)              Game Music:
Download (GameCube)

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Also on: Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube


In game image of NASCAR Thunder 2003 on the Sony Playstation.
In Game
Title screen of NASCAR Thunder 2003 on the Sony Playstation.
Title Screen
Box cover for NASCAR Thunder 2003 on the Sony Playstation.
Artwork on the Disc for NASCAR Thunder 2003 on the Sony Playstation.
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for NASCAR Thunder 2003.

NASCAR Thunder 2003 surrounds you with the emotion, sound, fury, and risks of the high-speed, high-drama career of a NASCAR star. Feel the adrenaline rush, intensity, and passion of being a NASCAR driver on a quest to become a NASCAR Winston Cup Series champion. Take on various real-life scenarios, complete with dramatic pileups, walls of smoke, and constant door -to-door, three-wide racing, to test your nerve and improve your racing skills. Build a racing legacy over the course of 20 drama-filled seasons.

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